#SayangMyAge, healthy eating tips for age 30s & 40s
Understand that to break bad habits you're going to need to acknowledge that change will be required. Not getting enough good quality sleep and not taking my meals on time are the 2 bad habits I need to overcome, like yesteryears ago. With an on-going workload and unforeseen circumstances, 24hrs is not enough! Reaching my late 30s is when I realized the long-term effects are real! Wrinkles showing more prominent, however I work out the muscle mass still does not increase and digestion giving many problems like bloating!
女人30-40岁的这十年是非常忙碌的!对Genie来说,这个阶段是她事业拼搏的黄金期。 还记得在自己出来创业前,因为工作需要,她每天都得跑Event,演唱会,吃不定时就算了,还要通宵达旦赶工完成项目,累死了。所以对那时候的她来说,要挤出时间去准备营养均衡的日常饮食、保持睡眠充足并且找到时间锻炼是件非常有挑战的事情。结果呢,皮肤状态差了,而且每每吃到不适合的食物时也很容易胃涨风。
Tips from Wise Crafters 健康饮食小贴士
A balanced diet with high fibre and protein. Engage with a meal subscription planner in order to eat on time and have the extra time to rest more, instead of taking the time to prepare own meals.
当生活变得忙碌,人们很容易就忽略正餐或随便吃些什么就继续为生活奔波。Genie 的亲身经历让她自己了解到:如果女人要在这”拼搏“的年龄阶段,也能同时兼顾到健康饮食的话,就需要健康膳食计划餐业者的帮忙。 在确定自己能够在制定的天然食物里吸取所需的营养同时,也能让自己省下更多的时间,更集中且有效率地完成所有的工作。
1) Wrinkles & sagging skin due to loss of collagen 倒数着的胶原蛋白!
Do you know that vitamin C plays a major role in the production of pro-collagen? Citrus fruits and Berries are excellent sources especially Strawberries. Other than fruits, leafy greens, beans, tomatoes, and garlic are great sources to add to the diet too. Quinoa Salad Bowl will be the best choice for a fulfilling balanced meal.
2) Eat breakfast to build muscle mass 一日之计在“早餐”!
Having breakfast gives you an immediate burst of energy and helps you to stay full until your next meal or snack. If you're looking for something easy to jump-start your day, Smoothie Bowl will be the best bet which is full of nutrients, fibre, protein, and yet they are low in calorie!
我们都知道早餐很重要,但你知道怎么吃才正确吗?在早餐之前,我们已经断食了至少8个小时或以上,所以早晨是身体最好吸收营养的黄金时段。一顿营养丰富的早餐可帮助你开启活力的一天!让你保持一整天的良好精神状态。如果你想尝试一些简单制作的早餐,那我们的建议是果泥。除了丰富的维生素,里面也中包含了纤维和蛋白质。低卡, 果腹,高纤维且很好吃!
3) Eat Mindfully, not emotionally 正念饮食!
Consuming your meals at consistent times each day to avoid eating too much too quickly, to avoid bloating and indigestion. Other than that, eating a whole-foods diet high in fibre, healthy fat, and nutrients is the first step toward good digestion. Stay hydrated and get moving to keep your skin elasticity in age 40.
Genie recommended 5-day clean-eating meal plan ( check out the item below) because it is designed to help busy women like you and me to adopt healthy diet in a more cost and time efficient way.
定时饮食对于我们的身体吸收和消化是很重要的。合理的进食如少量多餐,避免过量或吃得太仓促(不要吃得太gan jiong) 可帮助你得到更好的消化和消除过度膨胀的问题。那除此之外呢,也要多吃一些含有高纤维,单元不饱和脂肪(就是好的脂肪)和营养丰富的全天然的蔬果料理也都能促进消化。除了保养,我们也要学会怎么吃才能从内到外地滋润我们的皮肤!哪怕你已经接近40了但看起来像20多岁的美女呢~
以下是Genie为大家挑算出来的一些健康料理。 对于工作繁忙的职业女性,她最推荐的是5-day Clean-eating Meal Plan. 除了让大家更容易爱上健康饮食,这个Meal Plan也为大家省下不少时间和金钱,不妨看看:)
To know more about age early 20s healthcare, click this link: https://bit.ly/339dSzn
To know more about age late 20s healthcare, click this link: https://bit.ly/3385yzY