Healthilicious Lou Sang 吃好是福健康捞生(2-4pax)
Vegetarian ( fruit and vegetable ) Lou Sang - 2-4pax
Main Ingredients: Cheese ( the mini Gold Bars) Strawberry, Mandarin Orange, Pomelo, Green Apple, Carrot, Mango, Jackfruit, Almonds, Red Cabbage, Zucchini, Lemon, Garlic, Coconut Flakes, Sesame, Olive Oil & Raw Honey
Secrets of Lou Sang
#DidYouKnow that every single ingredient in Lou Sang represents different kind of greetings and meanings? Check this out and don't forget to speak it loudly during your next Lou Sang Session when tossing!
Carrot: Good Luck
Zucchini: Always Stay Young and Pretty
Jack Fruits: The More The Merrier
Red Cabbage + Capsicums:Always Surrounded by Blessings
Olive Oil: Prosperity Comes Easy
Pomelo + Strawberries: Happiness
Coconut Flakes & Almond Nibs: Prosperous Year, Prosperous Family
Cheese: Say "Cheese" to Welcome Happy New Year
红萝卜: 鸿运当头
青木瓜: 青春永驻
菠萝蜜: 多子多福
橄榄油: 财源滚滚
柚子+草莓: 大吉大利,甜甜蜜蜜
紫包菜+彩椒 : 大红大紫,五福临门
椰丝+杏仁碎: 金银满屋、遍地黄金
乳酪:鼠年SAY CHEESE,欢乐年年!
- Best before date is stated on the packaging (jar/ bottle/ container).
- Keep refrigerated/ frozen
- Enjoy before the expiry date.
- Storage:
- For bundle, we will also indicate no. 1-7 on the packaging so that it would be easier for you to know which flavour to be consumed first.
- Oatmeal usually can last about 3-5 days inside the fridge except for certain flavours such as Aloe Vera Longan & Avocadian can only last about 2 days.
- Frozen meals can be stored for 1 week in the freezer.
- Kefir can last about 2-3weeks inside the fridge.