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Eat a healthy snack, get healthy vibes

Do you like to eat snack when you feel bored? Then you must try on Wise Crafters healthy snack & tasty kefir~


What is kefir?

They are a natural supplier of Probiotics to our digestive tract 

*Great sources of calcium and protein

*Works as a great natural relaxant

*Helps clear up ance

*Lowers blood pressure

*Helps aid with digestion 

*Full of good for you probiotics 

-(Image of kefir analytic)

How to drinks:

Start with 1/8 cup a day (you can even mix this into a full glass of water or fruit juice at first), then gradually increase to 1/4 for a week or so (maybe skipping a few days here and there to give your body a break). 


Who is good for?


-immune system




Healthy snacks:

- It's a combination of mix nuts that consist of toasted cashews toasted almond slice, cranberries & coconut flakes. 

-(Image of mix nuts)