Oatsome Bundle
Why is it so good? 为什么燕麦餐这么好?

When to eat?几时吃?

Who suitable to eat?谁适合吃?
How to eat?怎样吃?
Food safety, workplace sanitation & quality assurance 卫生与安全
Kick start healthy eating in an easy & sustainable way : If you're concerning that you might not be able to commit healthy eating habit throughout the day, then this package is your perfect solution! Keep in fridge and consume within the best before date.
- 健康饮食比你想象中容易!除了贴心的上门送餐服务,你也可以选择在任何时间食用,对,打开冰箱就可以直接吃哦!
Eat right not less: The β-Glucan from oatmeal may increase your feeling of fullness, which means that it will make you feel full for longer period and help you avoid extra calories intake.
- 吃得对而不是吃少少挨饿!燕麦餐里的葡聚糖是膳食纤维能主要组分之一,它能够降低肠道对脂质吸收和消化的速率, 预防肥胖症的发生. 总括来说就是有饱足感但又帮助减肥。
Enjoy a wide variety of delicious healthy foods: You won’t get bored because we have plenty of oatmeal flavours for you to choose from. Besides, Kefir is naturally fizzy , it make you feel like drinking sparkling juice, so delicious~
- 这么多口味选择,“SIEN”这回事应该离你很远!
Live your life more: Wise Crafters includes these naturally functional foods into meal plans, provides doorstep delivery and makes time for our customers to live and enjoy more.
- 省钱又省时,享用健康餐的同时,你更有时间给自己和家人,做自己想做的事情!
Let's buy one package and your body will thank you!